Italian customs authorities to simplify import procedures for HHG

Italian customs authorities to simplify import procedures for HHG

As informed by Laura Busettini from Vinelli & Scotto and FIDI Italy Vice President, the Italian "Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli" (ADM), the national customs and monopolies agency, has accepted to examine some challenges Italian international movers had been facing linked to specific customs rules. Some issues raised by FIDI Italy, with the support of AITI (the Italian Association of Italian Movers) and CONFETRA (Confederazione Generale Italiana dei Trasporti e della Logistica), were the use of different forms by local territorial customs offices, the impossibility to import electronic equipment (TVs, personal computers, etc.) as part of a private move if the appliances are not marked “CE”, and a clearer definition of the requested documents for duty-free imports.

As a result of this dialogue, ADM has created a special coded customs form to handle the importation of household goods (or vehicle moves) as a result of a transfer of residence, defining more clearly the supporting documents to be provided. ADM has also abolished the requisite for audio-visual appliances to carry the CE seal if imported for personal use.

The new customs forms can be downloaded here (currently only available in Italian). For any questions or comments, please reach out to Laura Busettini, FIDI Italy Vice President ( or the FIDI office (    


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