2019-20 FIDI Business Confidence Barometer

Measuring business confidence

At the end of 2019, FIDI launched the "Global Business Confidence Barometer" project, with the aim of gauging how FIDI Affiliates were feeling about their current and future business outlook. Early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the industry, throwing all plans above board, and heavily impacting what the future looked like. This first edition of our barometer, looking into data of a full year, shows how the pandemic affected the industry's outlook - but it also shows very promising signs of a return of better times ahead.
The FIDI Global Business Confidence Barometer is an ongoing project, and we encourage all FIDI Affiliates to share their insights with us for the coming editions.
2019-20 FIDI Business Confidence Barometer

By filling in the below form, you will be able to read and download the 2019-20 FIDI Business Confidence Barometer.

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